Jarrett's 10 th Birthday started out with our family tradition of breakfast in bed. Bear claws and yogurt, Jarrett's favorite.

This was jarretts year to have a friend party so we spent alot of the day getting ready for it.
His theme was camping and swimming, so Our Home became Camp Gibson and the pool Lake Gibson. Here is how the cake turned out. Not too bad and Jarret loved it.

See the sleeping bags in the tent and the sign watch out for bears.

When friends showed up we registered them for camp and then and then made stepping stones for them to take home as a souvenier. Next, to Lake Gibson for fun and games.

Here we are playing toothpicks but with popsicle sticks since the kids couldn't see the toothpicks. The object is to have a popsicle stick in your hand to move on to the next round.
There is one short from the number of people in the game like musical chairs.

Then we started the fire to roast hot dogs and smores for latter.

Brian wants me to mention that it was really a hot day and a fire doesn't really fit in, but he loves Jarrett.

Dallin, Alec, Nathan, Michael, Julie, Luke, Evan, Brittney, Christopher and Jarrett getting ready to roast their hot dogs.

Here is Dallin, Alec, Nathan, Gavin, Evan and Brittney

The Fire pit

Our Fire marshal testing the fire

Smores, YUM!!!




Money, who doesn't like money?

More Bakugan!!

Basketball? I don't have a hoop.

Big present! What could it be ?

Basketball Hoop, Yeah!!!
to go with the basketball.

Jarrrett didn't want Zachary to blow out the candles while we were taking the picture.

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